Monday, January 28, 2008

Reding: Blame it on the National Regulators

Ai Frau Reding has the audicity to blame the national regulators that they haven't brought mobile data roaming tariffs down!

Wasn't the problem that national regulators were incapable of bringing down these rates, because the rates were high at the wholesale level and therefore out of their jurisdiction (a foreign mobile operator was the problem). Wasn't it the case that our friends from the Commission therefore had to set the roaming rates? Wasn't it the same Commission that didn't want to regulate data roaming, but saved it for a later date?

Come on Frau Reding, you could have fixed this last year, don't blame it on the national regulators! Or is this all a scheme to get the Euro Uber Regulator (EECMA) in place?
Even better fix mobile roaming by introducing competition. Give all operators including MVNO's the option to offer access to anybody roaming in the country and require that the home operator is only allowed to charge a small percentage for the billing. For this see my previous entry.

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